demo_ftnlib.cpp (Source)

 * demo_ftnlib.cpp
 * This file is an example of how to write an interface to use Cantera
 * in Fortran 77 programs. The basic idea is to store pointers to
 * Cantera objects in global storage, and then create Fortran-callable
 * functions that access the objects through the pointers.
 * This particular example defines functions that return thermodynamic
 * properties, transport properties, and kinetic rates for reacting
 * ideal gas mixtures. Only a single pointer to an IdealGasPhase object is
 * stored, so only one reaction mechanism may be used at any one time in
 * the application.  Of course, it is a simple modification to store
 * multiple objects if it is desired to use multiple reaction
 * mechanisms.
 * The functions defined here are ones commonly needed in application
 * programs that simulate gas-phase combustion or similar
 * processes. Similar libraries to access other capabilities of Cantera
 * (surface chemistry, etc.) could be written in the same way.
 * This library is designed for Fortran compilers that expect external
 * procedure names to be lowercase with a trailing underscore. If this
 * is not the case, the procedure names must be edited before use.

// This file is part of Cantera. See License.txt in the top-level directory or
// at for license and copyright information.

// add any other Cantera header files you need here
#include "cantera/core.h"
#include "cantera/kinetics/Reaction.h"

#include <iostream>

using namespace Cantera;

// store a pointer to a Solution object
// provides access to the pointers for functions in other libraries
static shared_ptr<Solution> _sol = NULL;

// store a pointer to the thermophase object
static shared_ptr<ThermoPhase> _gas = NULL;
shared_ptr<ThermoPhase> _gasptr()
    return _gas;

// store a pointer to the kinetics object
static shared_ptr<Kinetics> _kin = NULL;
shared_ptr<Kinetics> _kinptr()
    return _kin;

// store a pointer to a transport manager
static shared_ptr<Transport> _trans = NULL;
shared_ptr<Transport> _transptr()
    return _trans;

// error handler
void handleError(CanteraError& err)
    std::cout << err.what() << std::endl;

// extern "C" turns off C++ name-mangling, so that the procedure names
// in the object file are exactly as shown here.

extern "C" {

     * Read in a reaction mechanism file and create a Solution
     * object. The file may be in Cantera input format or in YAML. (If
     * you have a file in Chemkin-compatible format, use utility
     * program ck2yaml first to convert it into Cantera format.)
    void newidealgasmix_(char* file, char* id, char* transport,
                         ftnlen lenfile, ftnlen lenid, ftnlen lentr)
        string trmodel = "";
        try {
            string fin = string(file, lenfile);
            string fth = string(id, lenid);
            trmodel = string(transport, lentr);
            _sol = newSolution(fin, fth, trmodel);
            _gas = _sol->thermo();
            _kin = _sol->kinetics();
            _trans = _sol->transport();
        } catch (CanteraError& err) {

    /// integer function nElements()
    integer nelements_()
        return _gas->nElements();

    /// integer function nSpecies()
    integer nspecies_()
        return _gas->nSpecies();

    /// integer function nReactions()
    integer nreactions_()
        return _kin->nReactions();

    void getspeciesname_(integer* k, char* name, ftnlen n)
        int ik = *k - 1;
        std::fill(name, name + n, ' ');
        string spnm = _gas->speciesName(ik);
        int ns = spnm.size();
        unsigned int nmx = (ns > n ? n : ns);
        copy(spnm.begin(), spnm.begin()+nmx, name);

    //-------------- setting the state ----------------------------

    /// subroutine setState_TPX(T, P, X)
    void setstate_tpx_(double* T, double* P, double* X)
        try {
            _gas->setState_TPX(*T, *P, X);
        } catch (CanteraError& err) {

    /// subroutine setState_TPX_String(T, P, X)
    void setstate_tpx_string_(double* T, double* P,
                              char* X, ftnlen lenx)
        try {
            _gas->setState_TPX(*T, *P, string(X, lenx));
        } catch (CanteraError& err) {

    void setstate_try_(double* T, double* rho, double* Y)
        try {
            _gas->setState_TRY(*T, *rho, Y);
        } catch (CanteraError& err) {

    void setstate_tpy_(double* T, double* p, double* Y)
        try {
            _gas->setState_TPY(*T, *p, Y);
        } catch (CanteraError& err) {

    void setstate_sp_(double* s, double* p)
        try {
            _gas->setState_SP(*s, *p);
        } catch (CanteraError& err) {

    //-------------- thermodynamic properties ----------------------

    /// Temperature (K)
    double temperature_()
        return _gas->temperature();

    /// Pressure (Pa)
    double pressure_()
        return _gas->pressure();

    /// Density (kg/m^3)
    double density_()
        return _gas->density();

    /// Mean molar mass (kg/kmol).
    double meanmolarmass_()
        return _gas->meanMolecularWeight();

    /// Molar enthalpy (J/kmol)
    double enthalpy_mole_()
        return _gas->enthalpy_mole();

    /// Molar internal energy (J/kmol)
    double intenergy_mole_()
        return _gas->intEnergy_mole();

    /// Molar entropy (J/kmol-K)
    double entropy_mole_()
        return _gas->entropy_mole();

    /// Molar heat capacity at constant P (J/kmol-K)
    double cp_mole_()
        return _gas->cp_mole();

    /// Molar Gibbs function (J/kmol)
    double gibbs_mole_()
        return _gas->gibbs_mole();

    double enthalpy_mass_()
        return _gas->enthalpy_mass();

    double intenergy_mass_()
        return _gas->intEnergy_mass();

    double entropy_mass_()
        return _gas->entropy_mass();

    double cp_mass_()
        return _gas->cp_mass();

    double cv_mass_()
        return _gas->cv_mass();

    double gibbs_mass_()
        return _gas->gibbs_mass();

    void gotmolefractions_(double* x)

    void gotmassfractions_(double* y)

    void equilibrate_(char* opt, ftnlen lenopt)
        try {
            if (lenopt != 2) {
                throw CanteraError("equilibrate",
                                   "two-character string required.");
            string optstr = string(opt, 2);
        } catch (CanteraError& err) {

    //---------------- kinetics -------------------------

    void getreactioneqn_(integer* i, char* eqn, ftnlen n)
        int irxn = *i - 1;
        std::fill(eqn, eqn + n, ' ');
        string e = _kin->reaction(irxn)->equation();
        int ns = e.size();
        unsigned int nmx = (ns > n ? n : ns);
        copy(e.begin(), e.begin()+nmx, eqn);

    void getnetproductionrates_(double* wdot)

    void getcreationrates_(double* cdot)

    void getdestructionrates_(double* ddot)

    void getnetratesofprogress_(double* q)

    void getfwdratesofprogress_(double* q)

    void getrevratesofprogress_(double* q)

    //-------------------- transport properties --------------------

    double viscosity_()
        try {
            return _trans->viscosity();
        } catch (CanteraError& err) {
            return 0.0;

    double thermalconductivity_()
        try {
            return _trans->thermalConductivity();
        } catch (CanteraError& err) {
            return 0.0;

    void getmixdiffcoeffs_(double* diff)
        try {
        } catch (CanteraError& err) {

    void getthermaldiffcoeffs_(double* dt)
        try {
        } catch (CanteraError& err) {
